Celvacene Medium; 1 Pound Jar
• Non-Silicone Vacuum Grease
The formulation of Celvacene high vacuum grease has resulted from our extensive research in high vacuum technology. Celvacene contains absolutely no silicone. Celvacene (LDS MED) Grease meets missile specification# MIS20217 and
Navy source control DWG# 639AS4607.
• Vapor Pressure: 10-6 Torr
• ASTM Minimum Melting Point: 120°C
• Shelf Life: 5 Years if unopened
ASTM Penetrometer (Hardness) Reading: 100 (average)
Celvacene Medium Non-Silicone High Vacuum Grease is a brownish-yellow transparent grease with a minimum melting point of 120°C. It is recommended for ground-glass joints and other vacuum seals under conditions where a lighter grease may be sucked through. This grease is especially useful for treating rubber gaskets, soppers, and tubing to form a vacuum-tight bond with metal or glass surfaces. Rubber thus bonded is easily removed by feeding castor oil between surfaces with a thin-bladed instrument. On continuously evacuated systems, pressures of less than 10-6 torr can be obtained.